If we look at above screen shot
We have the following
User Type
Note that all the three elements were created using labels
and remember each label you create you need a text box that will capture data from
the users.
Note that each textbox will have a name like textbox for
user type its name is at, Textbox
UserName its name is un and text box
Password its name is pw.
After doing that Double click your button login to go to the
coding window , copy and paste the following codes.
string myConnection = "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;";
MySqlConnection mycon = new MySqlConnection(myConnection);
MySqlCommand SelectCommand = new MySqlCommand("Select * from
hwms.login where UserName= '" + this.un.Text
+ "' and PassWord ='" + this.pw.Text + "'and
UserType='" + this.at.Text + "';", mycon);
MySqlDataReader myReader;
myReader = SelectCommand.ExecuteReader();
int count = 0;
count = count + 1;
if (count == 1)
MessageBox.Show("UserName and PassWord correct and granted
(at.Text == "Administrator")
Main y = new Main();
this.Visible = false;
if (at.Text == "User")
Main X = new Main();
this.Visible = false;
// this will make following component not to appear if i log in as a
//X.userRegistrationToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
//X.generalRegistrationToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
//X.healthWorkerAllocationToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
//X.atendanceToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
else if
(count > 1)
// here am checking in the database to see
whether there is any entry fielled and if yes it will return the message below
MessageBox.Show("Duplicate user in the database and access
denied", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// here am clearing all the filleds
pw.Text = "";
un.Text = "";
at.Text = "";
MessageBox.Show("username and password combination does not
macth", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// the code below clears thusername and
password if they are not correct.
pw.Text = "";
un.Text = "";
at.Text = "";
//it ends here
catch (Exception
Note: After you have inserted in the codes in the coding window of the login button we need to add
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; at the top of our code to recall the lib "MySql.Data.dll"
Note3 hwms is the database name . login is the table name
I think at that level you are done. Thanks for visiting www.luckycoders.com please give you opnion about the code.