France election: Le Pen to launch far-right presidential bid

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen is set to launch her presidential election campaign in the city of Lyon.
The National Front (FN) manifesto, which lists 144 commitments, promises to offer France a referendum on its membership of the EU.
A growing number of presidential hopefuls are pledging their commitment to a new kind of politics.
France goes to the polls on 23 April in one of the most open races in decades.
The incumbent Socialist President, Francois Hollande, is not standing for a second term.
The FN is styling itself as the original anti-establishment party, with its leader hoping to cash in on the "time for change" feeling generated by Donald Trump's election and the Brexit vote in Britain.
BBC Paris correspondent Lucy Williamson says the party, which has never won more than a third of the popular vote, has been trying to soften its image recently, in order to broaden its appeal.
Opinion polls suggest she will win the first round but lose the second.

'Brexit boost'

FN deputy leader Florian Philippot predicted a new appetite for politics inspired by Brexit and Mr Trump.
"People are waking up," he told the audience in Lyon on Sunday. "They see Brexit, they see Trump and they're saying to themselves: 'It's worth going to vote'."
Speaking at the start of the gathering on Saturday, Ms Le Pen argued that French people shared her party's vision of patriotism and "defence of [French] civilisation".
France was "undoubtedly at a crossroads where tomorrow we might not recognise our country any more", she said.
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Image caption Mr Macron seeks to woo left and right alike
The FN manifesto promises to take back powers from Brussels, reduce immigration, pull France out of the euro currency and protect companies from what it calls "unfair foreign competition".
It also outlines plans for a two-tier France - with social housing priority given to French citizens; a "pro-birth policy" for French families; and taxes on employers who hire foreign workers.
The independent former banker, Emmanuel Macron, was also in Lyon this weekend, with a radically different vision for France: pro-Europe and pro-free trade.
The former Socialist economy minister set up his own party, En Marche (On The Move) only last year.
With the centre-right candidate, Francois Fillon, battling a financial scandal, Mr Macron's chances of reaching the 7 May run-off and challenging Ms Le Pen have risen.
Speaking on Saturday, Mr Macron said Ms Le Pen "did not speak in the name of the people".
He also criticised what he termed nepotism in her party, which was founded by her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

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